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Showing posts from October, 2012

No Eggs

Sometimes an image can be used to try to illicit an emotional response .. much like a child can try to make you feel a certain way with a face.


Sometimes it's just nice when you can catch a moment.


This is a photo I took at Clearwater Beach, my nephew in the foreground. Played with the levels just a bit, but other than that, it's mostly nature making this photo so beautiful.

All dressed up.

This is a photo i manipulated of my incredible Grandfather.He is the predominant male figure in my life and my personal Hero. I had to get rid of some of the background of this photo because it was taken at a family funeral and there were some folks and headstones in the background that took away from the focus of the subject. So I got rid of them. Using CS4 Photoshop, I eliminated the people in the back and blended in the background and added in a bit of color. Below is the original.

Hulk Child

Playing around with some Photo editing. Decided my nephew made a good Hulk.