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Showing posts from August, 2012

Battlefield Wallpaper

This is a wallpaper that I made for some folks at an online community I belong to who enjoy the BATTLEFIELD 3 game. The various images were pulled from different locations and the rifle had to be fixed quite a bit as it was sitting on some carpet that blurred out the bottom edges. I also had to deal with a bit of light splash-back from camera flash. 

Battlefield 3 Poster

This is a poster I made up for the popular Video-game BATTLEFIELD 3. I just made it to play around with my skills and see how people liked it. Created in Photoshop CS4.

Lincoln in Color

This is a color version I did of the digital drawing I did of Abraham Lincoln. Using the drawing as a template, I added tone and color to round out the face more and jazzed up the background a bit to make it more interesting.This piece was created for my Digital Art class in college and was printed out and mounted to a hard matte backing. Below is the original digital drawing...

Sherlock Holmes cartoon

This is a cartoonist image of Sherlock Holmes that I did for my Digital Art class. It was hand drawn using a Wacom Tablet and Photoshop CS4. I particularly enjoyed doing the cloth patterns in this piece.

Beautiful girl thinking

This is another piece I did for my Digital art class in college. I had a beautiful model for this piece. I wanted to give this piece the grainy look of old romantic comic-strips from the 50's or 60's. I Rotoscoped the original image and then altered it using Photoshop. It was then printed and mounted on a hard poster-board backing.

Doctor Death comic-book cover

This is another image I did for my Digital Art class in college. It was an attempt to make an action/war oriented comic-book cover. I modeled for the image, which I then Rotoscoped and altered using Photoshop. The piece was then printed and mounted on a poster-board backing. I had a lot of fun with this particular piece.

Crime Stories comic-book cover

This is a piece I did for my Digital Art class. My intention was to make it look like the cover of an old crime comic from the silver age of comic-books. I posed as the model myself, then Rotoscoped and altered the image until I came up with the above results. The piece was then printed out and mounted on a poster-board backing.

Wild haired girl

This is a piece I did for my Digital Art class I took in College. I had them printed out and placed on a Matt poster-board background. This particular image was taken from a photo of Brittany Spears and Rotoscoped and altered into the image above. I had a lot of fun doing the hair.

Beautiful City

With this piece I wanted to represent the city as a beautiful woman laying on her side with the sun going down behind her. This is done with Sharpie marker on brown poster-board.

Bloody Wrench Part 2

This is a final variation of the Bloody Wrench Triptych that I did for my Design class in college. Each piece is about a foot square and is done completely with colored Sharpie markers. Below is a variation of the Triptych I made before deciding on the finale above.

Surviving Death: A Post Apocalyptic Children's Book

This is a book I made for my design class in college. I used my tried and true theme of the Apocalypse to create my vision of what a children's book would look like if you found one in the rubble of the Apocalypse. It is all done on pieces of poster board that have had the edges burned away for that that extra bit of realism. The binding is made of bits and pieces of discarded trash. I know there are a few typos here and there, but hey, it's the Apocalypse!

Atomic Zombie-Kong -vs- The Victorian Tripods from Mars

This is my favorite from a series of pen & ink drawings I did of a fantastical fight between my envision of Victorian Tripods and an Atomic Robotic Zombie-King Kong, piloted by a time traveling Abraham Lincoln.

Victorian Tripods attack

This is my favorite that I did from a series of drawings involving my version of Victorian Tripods based on the Tripods from H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. I envisioned the tripods using magnifying glasses and bug-sprayers to cull the infection of humans that they encountered on their new planet. Here are a few more from the same series.


This is one of many drawings I did based on an idea I had about the future of entertainment, where people battled to the death on speeding hover-cars. A mixture of Gladiatorial mayhem and NASCAR. This piece was done with fine sharpie marker on white paper. No preliminary sketches were made.

Out of the Darkness

This is a piece I did for my Drawing class in college. I used India Ink and water to paint the image on a piece of thick poster-board.

Charcoal relief Converse

This is a Charcoal relief piece I did for my Drawing 2 class in college. With a charcoal relief, you coat the entire page with a graphite powder until the page is black, then you use an eraser to draw your image. Once again I chose the ever stylish Converse Chuck Taylor All-Stars as my subject matter. This piece was about 24X36. It is now hanging in the Math department in the Hillsborough Community College, Ybor campus.

Bar Room Bottles

This is a painting I did for my Painting 1 class in college. It is only the third painting I have ever done using Oil paints. I had a lot of fun on this piece and leaned a lot about color mixing and bases... as well as shading and reflections. Overall I was quite pleased with the final piece. It's about 36X24 on the back of a board of Masonite. Took about 28 hours to complete.

Sulphur Springs Theater Diptych

This is a diptych painting piece I did based on a collage I made earlier on the Sulphur Springs Theater in Tampa, Fl.  It recently has undergone some renovations and I was intrigued by the new neon lights it was given after many decades of it being stagnant. The new lights gave it a nightlife  it hadn't had since it's earlier days back in the 50's and 60's.

Old Converse

This is an oil painting I did for my Painting 1 class in college. This is the first painting I did where I really let go and got a little wild with my brush-strokes and allowed myself to lay the paint on a bit thick to get some real texture onto the canvas. It is the first attempt at being more expressionistic with my otherwise usually technical art style. I had a lot of fun doing this piece and actually finished it in two days. It's 36X36 Oil on Canvas that I stretched myself.


These are called Tessellations. It's a process of creating a two-dimensional plane using repetition of geometrical shapes that enter and exit all four sides of a square at the same juncture, leaving no gaps or overlapping spots. The above square is one I created for my design class in college. The below pieces are combinations of that square that make up various patterns. This below pattern is made up of four different Tessellation squares to make up one unified pattern. These are some of the larger patterns created by the first square. And this is one of the patterns created by the later design.